Gevey AIO No Cut v23 is out!

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Gevey AIO No Cut update v 23 for iPhone 4S released! This update works with the new iOS 6 operating system and it’s compatible with the latest 3.0.04 modem firmware.

  • Use the menu available under the ‘Read SIM’ button of GEVEY NO CUT ONLINE UPDATE V2 or later, update software to check for the required settings for each network. If there is more than 1 network displayed in the list you should try each setting separately;
  • If ICCID is not required please replace it with 00000000000000000000;
  • If GID1 is not required leave it empty;
  • The Delay function is not required for this present update so you can leave it at the default value.

Download Gevey AIO No Cut v23

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